The Mountain Mama Band started a long time ago, but Virginia and Maria didn’t know it then. Back in 2021, when both musicians were new to Asheville, an advertisement for “musicians wanted” was misread, music shared, hiking adventures planned, the “motherhood of daughter musicians” club started, and finally, two years after that first misunderstood advertisement, a melding of musical talents and ideas began. Maria and Virginia started playing well-worn favorites, sharing some creative and eclectic originals, singing some harmonies, combining different instruments and before they knew it, the Mountain Mama Band was born. With Virginia bringing her original songs and vocals to the table (accompanying herself on mandolin and guitar) and Maria, with her bluegrass rhythm guitar experience, upright bass prowess, sweet harmonies and originals to boot, there’s no mistaking their unique sound.

Virginia Drake (vocalist, songwriter, guitar and mandolin)
Virginia, with a background in musical theatre, jazz, classical piano and trumpet found that her songwriting and favorite covers spoke more for her love of classic country, roots, and bluegrass favorites. She’s been performing as a vocalist and songwriter in different musical groups in Austin, TX and Asheville, NC. Virginia is also the founder and owner of True Voice, offering voice lessons and performance programs in Austin, TX and Asheville, NC.
Maria Raiti (vocals, songwriter, upright bass, guitar)
Maria has sung and played guitar and upright bass in bluegrass and Americana bands in Ohio and Asheville.  She currently manages and performs all around West North Carolina in the active bluegrass/Americana band Asheville Junction.  Maria is excited to be part of the launch of Mountain Mama Band,  with its blended focus on engaging originals and beloved country classics.